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Rollers Season Launched In Style
Scores of football supporters and dignitaries including the Assistant Minister of Trade and Industry, Ms Beauty Manake, joined the Township Rollers family the Royal Aria in Tlokweng for the spectacular 2024-25 Popa Season Launch on Saturday.
Speaking at the occasion, Club Chairman, Dr Bafana Pheto said Rollers was charting a new and exciting path under the leadership of investor Tendani Sebata.
“This event marks the start of both a new season and a new chapter in the Township Rollers' legacy. Together, we aim to build a club that continues to bring pride and joy to all our supporters across Botswana. We are reminded of the teamwork and perseverance that define our club. Players, management, partners, supporters and fans, all play an essential role in our success,” Dr Pheto said.
He added that Mr Sebata, Chairman of Sebata Group, now Rollers’ Club President and chief financier was a visionary man whose primary goal “is to create and leave a lasting legacy, in the social and economic lives of our entire stable as Township Rollers.”
“We were not just looking for any investor; we were looking for a passionate, visionary, empathetic and compassionate investor whose first devotion was sustainable development,” Dr Pheto said.
Chief Executive Snenhlanhla Ngobese thanked Township Rollers management for having welcomed the Sebata Group and reiterated the commitment to improving the commercial aspect of the club.
She also thanked the companies that had come on board to support early on in the journey- saying in addition to the Sebata Group, technical sponsor Moonflair Sports, Star Cherry and Exclusive Insurance had come in as Rollers’ partners.
Rollers Secretary General Obert Kgati said the event was the beginning of great things to come for the club and thanked Rollers elders and legends, as well as well-wishers from as far afield as South Africa and Zimbabwe who graced the occasion.
“Football unites the world and strengthens relationships. We look forward to fostering solid relationships with all of you and everyone gathered here today in pursuit of an exceptional club whose impact is felt beyond the field of play,” said Kgati.

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